Figali and his marina.

photo by La Prensa
Jean Figali, colombian-panamanian investor, whom project development is on a legal hold, not so effective by the way, because although local authorites ordered a suspension of the marine filling he already started to build.

Figali's well known relations with the previous goverment administration, and his "compadre" William Spadafora, member of the Supreme Court, eased his papeword and permissions for the construction.

He argues that the extinct ARI (Autoridad de la Region Interoceanica) gave him all the required permissions to carry on his multimillionaire project. And of course his compadre rules always in his favor, what a convenient law. Thanks god panamanian blood is as cold as fish.

here i attach a translated extract from La Prensa that dates Panama, Wednesday 13 of 2005
"Once again, the Supreme Court of Justice - specifically the Room Third generates controversy. In this occasion one is a case that it has like protagonist to Jean Figali, a member of the circle of friendships of the ex- president of the Republic Mireya Moscoso.
The located land industralist and concessionaire affluent Loving in - to that granted a diplomatic passport to him during the government of Moscoso- obtained from the Room Third of the Court, and with the communication of the magistrate Winston Spadafora, the “immediate suspension of the effects of Note ARI-AG-4491-2004 of 1 of December of 2004, emitted by the Authority of the Region Interoceánica (ARI)”.
By means of the failure of the 22 of June - objected by the magistrate Adam Arnulfo Arjona- the International with the institution is tried to lapse the decision of the ARI to maintain the use of the debt of Group F. and that until the 30 of November of 2004 surpassed the 2 million dollars.
Figali had asked for to the ARI the “comparison” of the renting with other areas of Loving, with the objective to obtain a reduction in the price agreed originally.
Like answer to their request, the ARI independently proposed a gradual formula of payment for the cancellation of the dilatoriness that determined to maintain, that the institution acceded or not to its request of “comparison”.
Thus, the note that soon was resorted by Figali before the Room Third of the Court determined that “the comparison does not operate of retroactive way and, therefore, its debt before the ARI stays”.
The relations of Figali with the last administration allowed the organization him of the aid of beauty Universal Miss 2003 in the Figali Convention Center de Amador.
There same, but it makes two months single - the 29 of April, the fight of world-wide championship was carried out mini fly. That night, in which the Vásquez Spider prevailed the Panamanian Robert, the Figali industralist shared his table with the ponente of the case, the magistrate Winston Spadafora. "

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