Wall Street Journal writes about Panama

Whether it’s the mainstream media, or individuals who have discovered Panama, the praise for this tiny Central American country keeps growing. The travel book publisher Foot Print Books calls Panama one of the world’s “great crossroads.”

In a July, 2007 article in Fortune Magazine entitled “Latin America’s real estate Panamania,” Fortune describes Panama as “one of the world’s hottest real estate markets.”

The Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and National Geographic have published exciting pieces highlighting the undiscovered delights of Panama.

The Wall Street Journal describes “the new breed of intrepid retirees (that are) branching out” to Panama. The Boston Globe calls Panama “an undiscovered tourist paradise.”

One retired investor admiring the view from his apartment recently said, “Panama looked like a good investment and a place to have a good time. You don’t need a lot of sense to see that property will increase in value.”
Said one Canadian who spent a year in Panama with her husband and two children.

“It’s an awesome experience. It was very, very nice. It was very different. It was very relaxing. When you look at Canada everything is fast-paced. When you come here you have to take a couple steps back…They don’t believe in a clock,”

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