Como Emigrar a Panama

The Panamanian government has created several laws which, depending on the particular type of visa applied for, enable foreigners to obtain legal temporary or permanent residency, work permits, and in some cases citizenship and / or passports in the Republic of Panama. Most of these laws have been created to promote foreign investment in the country which benefits the local environment or local economy of Panama.

El gobierno de Panama, ha creado muchas leyes dependiendo del tipo de visa en el que quieras aplicar, las cuales permiten a extranjeros obtener visas de residencia, permisos de trabajo y el algunos casos ciudadanía y/o pasaportes de la republica de Panama. la mayoria de estas leyes promueven la inversion en el pais, lo cual redunda en beneficios para la economía de Panama

Algunos de los programas para emigrar a panama,estan listados a continuacion. Algunos son para permisos temporales, residencia permanente, ciudadania y pasaportes. Permisos tempotrales de trabajo.

Below we have listed several immigration programs. Some of these programs offer temporary or permanent residency, citizenship, and passports and others may not. Some of these programs only offer temporary resident visas, or work permits.

Please read through the programs and determine which is the best for you:

Programs offering Immediate Panamanian Passport:

- Immediate Passport Program

Programs offering Permanent Residency & Passport:

- Self Economic Solvency Visa
- Agricultural Investor Program
- Small Business Investor Program
- Tax Free Processing Zone Investor Program
- Reforestation Visa (New)

Programs offering Permanent Residency only:

- Retired or Pensioned Program

Programs offering Temporary Work Visa only:

- City of Knowledge Work Visa

Programs offering Temporary Immigrant Visa only:

- Missionary Visa
- Student Visa

Multiple Entry & Exit Visa (Optional):

Multiple Entry and Exit Visa

more information here

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